My Gabi! This is the first year we have really put her in any activity....several years ago we tried soccer, but she just really wanted to play at the play ground or pick flowers. We have also tried dance, BUT..Gabi thought she knew everything & was instructing the teacher how things are done...needless to say, we took her out of dance.
I am one of those moms that really does not like running here and there everyday to get my child from this activity to another. We dicided on soccer for the spring, dreading it needless to say...BUT..the coach asked me if I would like to assistant coach the team, dreadfully I accepted. The coldest winter weather ever, muddy fields..how did I ever not realize how much fun it would be. Week after week, game after game..just so enjoyable & fun. Gabi's experiences were many, new friends, learning to kindof run, looking forwards to something besides school and all the while having her mom & dad there with her, to support her..we had the greatest time.
When soccer ended tennis began, daddy coaching this one. The first practice was as boring as anything I had ever been too ;( I spoke with Gabi & asked her if she did not mind that I was not going to attend her boring practices, but I will for sure be at her games..little less boring! Tuesday practice, Saturday games for 2 months..in the end she came in 3rd place in the Division 1 group..so dang proud of this girl.
Now summer has arrived..she is keeping us on our toes with Basketball Camp, British Soccer Camp, Tennis Camp, Vacation Bible School & Church Camp.
From the time she was born I knew this girl was one of a kind...I absolutly adore her. This week during vacation bible school she accepted Christ & was saved..2 days later she was Baptized. These choices were her's, not following a friend that was doing it, not because someone told her to, not because she felt pressure...all because she told me, "God was in her heart very strongly & she knew what she was doing was what she wanted to do". My heart felt happiness for her, knowing we will be together for all eternity, Loving Christ as a family, also knowing she will develope her personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I cant say enough about my little girl...I thank God for her everyday & am so thankful He chose us to be her parents..I love you Gabi.
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