Before I even start, I will say I am a terrible writer. I dont really know where all the punctuation goes, when a sentence ends or another begins. I write as I talk and everyone knows I talk with no correct english. I read other blogs and love the awesome writings I read always coming away either crying or laughing. Wish I could give you the same thing..but I am a rambler with things in my heart.
What can I say...or how should I start? I LOVE these guys!! I rest easier on my pillow tonight... No not because I believe I will wake up tomorrow and this Countries hardships have magically disappeared, not even because I believe that a year or two from now this Country will be out of the crisis we are in..I am realistic! I am not looking at the history this has made (though I think it is wonderful!) I am looking at a man, my age, that "IF" he is lying about himself , his family or his hopes and dreams for our Country has to be the greatest actor ever! Last year as all the campaigning was taking place, for the first time in my adult life (though I had voted before) I listened, I researched, I had debates of my own, some even arguing with myself. There is no way in the world that a person can be happy with every single thing a candid stands for, if they say they can, well they need to check their thoughts again. When I had made my mind up on who I would vote for, be it Obama or McCain (since Hillary was no longer a choice.. :)) I talked about it with my husband, how I felt about different issues and what his opinion was of how I saw them. I have always saw myself as a conservative Republican, but as I thought back, I have never voted for a Republican..funny huh. My husband told me he saw me much more liberal, I was surprised by that. As I thought about his comment, for just a moment...I realized truly who I was, neither..I said to my husband, I do believe I am conservative, the ethics and values I carry say it must be so........I am not liberal, I am a NON Judgemental Christian! I do not necessarily agree with how people choose to live their lives or agree with the things they do...but that is not my job. Every single one of us will stand before our creator Our Heavenly Father and will have to answer for our lives....no where in the Bible does it say I or any one else has the right to judge anyone. It is our job as Christians to plant the seed, not to judge....my belief, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ plants my feet solid to the ground to walk this earth without judgement. Our job as a Christian is to continue to be a Christian....its funny that people say they are Christians and then the first thing they do is turn around bad mouth people.
I personally am not much of a church goer I must admit...several years back I had a pastor come to my home just to sit and chat. As we conversated, he asked why I had never been a member of a church and why I really didn't come to church much. I explained to him that I really didn't deal well with people that were fake, people that went to church just so could say they did and people that went to church out of habit..hypocrites, judgement. On that Sunday at church his sermon was on that subject...I thought about it and realized maybe I was being that way for saying those things..those are really the people most wanted in the house of God, to help them see Gods true words, plant the seed. That is when I became a NON judgement Christian..we will all answer for our own.
It seems that my blog has gone a little different direction, starting with our new President and now talking about church. I believe it has everything as the same direction. I have read, I have heard, I have seen people write terrible things, say terrible things...and I mean terrible about the man that was voted in as the new President of Our United States. It saddens me to see people relate this man to Saddam, it saddens me that there is pictures of him as the devil, Antichrist, it saddens me that people are bashing his wife and family. I wish some people would take the time to do some research on him..lots of people were against him because they say he supports abortion...research...that is not what he has said....he states he believes a women has the right to make a choice....whether we like it or not, this is true. The women that choose this will stand before God someday to answer for this. Gay relationship/marriages...as Christians we know what the Bibles says...but there are many many gay people that believe differently, they consider themselves Christians and that is what matters..again they will stand before and answer for their choices. As Christians we believe we know what the Bible says about gay relationships and in a quick heartbeat these people are judged....but wait..doesn't the Bible state not to judge? Those who have not sinned cast the first stones.
Our Country is about Freedom, Freedom that our ancestors fought for us to have. It seems that Freedom is put in place in each individuals own mind, if it works good for them then that is what Freedom is. Well, it really doesn't work that way! There has been much Freedom taken from us in the last years by the Government, now it is being offered back to us. I ask everybody that reads this, maybe nobody will and that is ok because I have spoke my peace, I have stood up for my beliefs whether anyone agrees or not. I am at peace for choosing to be a NONjudgemental CHristian...I am at peace for voting for Barack Obama & Joe Biden to be the leaders of my Country.....................if in the end I am wrong (which I do not believe) I will be the first one to stand up and admit that my choice on voting day was not a good one, but I will NEVER sway from being a NONjudgemental CHristian.
One of the main reasons I believe on voting day that Barack Obama was the right man to vote for (and still do), he brings diversity, he brings hope, he is just the beginning of Gods plan..all people brought together regardless of race, sex or religion.........all things happen by God....God appointed the American people to vote for Barack Obama, be the people he intends for us to be. All things are in Gods control and all things happen by God. Give our new President a chance.....he has the most contagious smile, the love for his family is evident..he didn't choose his name (neither did we) he didn't choose his parents (neither did we) please don't minimize a man for his name, his birth, his parents.....we are only cutting short something that could be the greatest thing that has ever happened in Our Country.
I am thrilled and look so forward to turning on my TV and reading the paper each day to see what the agenda is today for our Country. He cant fix it alone and he cant make it worse alone..lets stand behind the President of Our United States and help the Hopes, Dreams and Changes become real.
I'm asking you believe not in my ability to bring about real change in Washington..I am asking you to believe in yours.........author:Barack Obama
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