Saturday, November 15, 2008

Times past

I stole this from my daughters blog..."Thanks Paige"

one minute ago...
reading blogs

one hour ago....
checking on Gabi, shifting the fire and playing here on the computer

one week ago.....
Mom and I were at the casino in Oklahoma.."Winning!"

one year ago.....
Chasing down Bear..trying to help him understand the responsiblities of being a grown man. Helping my mother cope with the loss of her husband. Preparing for our family trip to Colorado for Christmas with Paige and Mark.

three years ago...
Was a Paiges house, had moved her and Jilli's stuff back to Colorado so they could prepare for Mark to return from Iraq. Enjoying watching Gabi learn being in kindergarten. Lots of stress with home, clinic..just all together too many changes

five years ago.....
Paige was home visiting..Mark was,..yeah in Iraq. Finishing up with Gabi's potty training. Loving my new Van that I had recently bought. Dan was enjoying his first year of teaching at PJC

seven years ago....
Gabi had just been born...was loving our time with her! Paige was in her senior year, we were looking at colleges. Bear and his partner were expecting their first child, my first grandchild. My father in law passed away in Minnesota. Looking forward to my brother and his family coming from Chicago for the Holiday's

ten years ago....
Paige was 15, Bear 16, Tyler! wondering what the future held

Its kindof fun to think back to what you were doing...some good, some bad......things you are so thankful you didnt forget and others you wish you could. There has been many ups and downs, but all in all I am so thankful for all that I have, Jesus Christ, my family, love, my life, my home, clothes on my back and food in my belly..and Starbucks of course ..I have had, I do have and sure I will continue to have a great life

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